Janganlah jemu berbuat baik
Selama masih ada kesempatan
Sebab kita kan menuai
Jerih payah kita tidak sia-sia
Bagi kita ada kesempatan
Untuk beribadah dengan setia
Melayani dengan sungguh
Kedatangan Tuhan semakin dekat
Melayani Tuhan didalam gerak
Pengajaran Mempelai Alkitabiah
Upah yang besar Tuhan sediakan
Hidup kekal sebagai MempelaiNya
not weary doing good
As long as there is a chance
Because we're reaping
Our efforts are not in vain
For us there is a chance
To serve faithfully
Serve with a truly
Coming of the Lord is getting closer
Serving God in motion
Teaching Biblical Bride
God has a great reward
Eternal life as His Bride
As long as there is a chance
Because we're reaping
Our efforts are not in vain
For us there is a chance
To serve faithfully
Serve with a truly
Coming of the Lord is getting closer
Serving God in motion
Teaching Biblical Bride
God has a great reward
Eternal life as His Bride