June 10, 2014
God wants the Church of God to pursue spiritual treasures, not worldly ones. Use God’s blessings to support the spiritual matters, so spiritual blessings become our goal. Shepherd brings the sheep to the mountain of God. After God says "I am who I am" (God is in our midst), God speaks the word. Word is accompanied by power (1 Power to expel Satan, 2 There is healing, 3 The ones who do not want to accept the word will die, the one who wants to receive the word will be alive, 4. God used Peter who was only a fisherman to convey the word). God puts the word in our mouths so that we become blessings for others. Though we are sinners, if we want to be corrected through the word of God, God wants to use us. Samaritan woman was sinful, but she could win the whole town (John 4: 7-40). People who are able to work and support themselves often had felt enough and felt no need of God. Give your life to God! Support Philadelphia (brotherly love)! We must be willing to be reprimanded by God so that we survive. He knows all of our deeds, not to punish us, but to make us turn back and repent. There is joy in serving the Lord. Being torn to pieces = become the target of the word (Hosea 6: 1-2). God is the lion of Judah. The word reprimands us so that our hearts shatter asunder. God is able to heal us. God wants to use all of us. His Word is alive (Revelation 1: 17-18). Never be afraid, we have Jesus who is alive. If we know Jesus who is alive, we shall also be alive (John 14:19).
God wants the Church of God to pursue spiritual treasures, not worldly ones. Use God’s blessings to support the spiritual matters, so spiritual blessings become our goal. Shepherd brings the sheep to the mountain of God. After God says "I am who I am" (God is in our midst), God speaks the word. Word is accompanied by power (1 Power to expel Satan, 2 There is healing, 3 The ones who do not want to accept the word will die, the one who wants to receive the word will be alive, 4. God used Peter who was only a fisherman to convey the word). God puts the word in our mouths so that we become blessings for others. Though we are sinners, if we want to be corrected through the word of God, God wants to use us. Samaritan woman was sinful, but she could win the whole town (John 4: 7-40). People who are able to work and support themselves often had felt enough and felt no need of God. Give your life to God! Support Philadelphia (brotherly love)! We must be willing to be reprimanded by God so that we survive. He knows all of our deeds, not to punish us, but to make us turn back and repent. There is joy in serving the Lord. Being torn to pieces = become the target of the word (Hosea 6: 1-2). God is the lion of Judah. The word reprimands us so that our hearts shatter asunder. God is able to heal us. God wants to use all of us. His Word is alive (Revelation 1: 17-18). Never be afraid, we have Jesus who is alive. If we know Jesus who is alive, we shall also be alive (John 14:19).
June 14, 2014
The rod that was brought by Moses was shepherd’s rod/ rod of God (Exodus 4: 1-4, 20). Sheep will experience miracles if they respect their shepherd. Shepherd must graze patiently. If the rod is removed, there will be dangerous, because it will be a snake and it will bite. If we want to be grazed, we can be good.
Distribution of Exodus 4: 18-31about Moses when he returned to Egypt:
1 Exodus 4: 18-23 à Moses asked for permission to Jethro to turn back to Egypt (Moses respected parents)
2 Exodus 4: 24-26 à God will kill Moses because his sons have not been circumcised (God corrected Moses’ marriage)
3 Exodus 4: 27-31 Moses met Aaron and the Israelites (Moses had reconciliation with Aaron/ brotherly love)
Respect physical parents and spiritual parents! When Moses wanted to go to Egypt, he asked for permission to Jethro, his father-in-law (not only notification). Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long. Many people will rebel to parents (2 Timothy 3: 1-2). Our enemy is the devil. The devil makes us do not respect our parents. Parents are a source of blessing for their children (Ephesians 6: 1-3). Parents are the place to ask. The sheep that is empty of word is impressionable/easily influenced. Blessing for those who want to honor their parents = happy and long life.
The rod that was brought by Moses was shepherd’s rod/ rod of God (Exodus 4: 1-4, 20). Sheep will experience miracles if they respect their shepherd. Shepherd must graze patiently. If the rod is removed, there will be dangerous, because it will be a snake and it will bite. If we want to be grazed, we can be good.
Distribution of Exodus 4: 18-31about Moses when he returned to Egypt:
1 Exodus 4: 18-23 à Moses asked for permission to Jethro to turn back to Egypt (Moses respected parents)
2 Exodus 4: 24-26 à God will kill Moses because his sons have not been circumcised (God corrected Moses’ marriage)
3 Exodus 4: 27-31 Moses met Aaron and the Israelites (Moses had reconciliation with Aaron/ brotherly love)
Respect physical parents and spiritual parents! When Moses wanted to go to Egypt, he asked for permission to Jethro, his father-in-law (not only notification). Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long. Many people will rebel to parents (2 Timothy 3: 1-2). Our enemy is the devil. The devil makes us do not respect our parents. Parents are a source of blessing for their children (Ephesians 6: 1-3). Parents are the place to ask. The sheep that is empty of word is impressionable/easily influenced. Blessing for those who want to honor their parents = happy and long life.
June 17, 2014
We have to respect the physical and spiritual parents.
Distribution of Exodus 4: 18-23:
1 Moses respected Jethro, his father-in-law (Exodus 4: 18-19)
2 Moses took his sons (Exodus 4: 20-21)
3 Israel is My son, My firstborn (Exodus 4: 22-23)
God commanded Moses to go to Egypt to meet Aaron and Israelites so that he ought to ask for permission to Jethro, his father-in-law (Moses honored his father-in-law). If parents are attached to the vine, the vine will drain the water, so that there is fruit of marriage. Spiritual children who are legitimate in the presence of God is the ones who truly experience the sign of the new birth (1 Corinthians 4: 14-17). Be imitators of me (the apostle Paul as the shepherd) as I am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11: 1). Faithful: has a firm stance in PMA (Biblical Bridegroom Teaching). Accept the teaching from the parent who gave birth to us so that we are in one teaching and one Spirit! Galatians valued the word as the word of God, so that they experienced the sign of the new birth (Galatians 4: 13-20, 1 Thessalonians 2: 13). Even the Galatians were willing to sacrifice their limbs to the Apostle Paul. My body belongs to God; all of my belongings belong to God. Give your life to Jesus the Bridegroom of Heaven! If we let the digression, we will be the hard-hearted.
We have to respect the physical and spiritual parents.
Distribution of Exodus 4: 18-23:
1 Moses respected Jethro, his father-in-law (Exodus 4: 18-19)
2 Moses took his sons (Exodus 4: 20-21)
3 Israel is My son, My firstborn (Exodus 4: 22-23)
God commanded Moses to go to Egypt to meet Aaron and Israelites so that he ought to ask for permission to Jethro, his father-in-law (Moses honored his father-in-law). If parents are attached to the vine, the vine will drain the water, so that there is fruit of marriage. Spiritual children who are legitimate in the presence of God is the ones who truly experience the sign of the new birth (1 Corinthians 4: 14-17). Be imitators of me (the apostle Paul as the shepherd) as I am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11: 1). Faithful: has a firm stance in PMA (Biblical Bridegroom Teaching). Accept the teaching from the parent who gave birth to us so that we are in one teaching and one Spirit! Galatians valued the word as the word of God, so that they experienced the sign of the new birth (Galatians 4: 13-20, 1 Thessalonians 2: 13). Even the Galatians were willing to sacrifice their limbs to the Apostle Paul. My body belongs to God; all of my belongings belong to God. Give your life to Jesus the Bridegroom of Heaven! If we let the digression, we will be the hard-hearted.
June 21, 2014
The one who wants to take Moses’ life is dead, meaning that Moses was defended by God. Do not be tied to the world. Come out of Egypt to worship, to build the Tabernacle. Bride of God must be given victory. Moses' rod àrod of God à rod of miracle / power à Shepherd's Rod. Shepherd preaches the words accompanied by power. Shepherd’s praying is accompanied by power. If the word is accompanied by a miracle, it is God’s will. Grazing is not triffling. We are loss if we are far from the shepherd. Sheep are counted by God. God counts our misery.
Moses returned to Egypt carrying a shepherd's rod to bring the Israelites out of Egypt to worship God. God is preparing us to be used by God. God calls us personally to take responsibility in the construction of the Tabernacle. We must be sensitive to the Lord's call. We contemplate what we have heard together.
Do not despair if we are disciplined by the Lord (Hebrews 12: 5-11). God teaches us in the pasture. We often fear when God wants to use us, we doubt if we could. Facing the days ahead, what we have is the word of PMA (Biblical Bridegroom Teaching), by our desire to be grazed. Moses gave names for his children based on the experiences of his life (Exodus 18: 3-4). Gershom: "I have become a stranger in a foreign land." Eliezer: "The God of my father was my help and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh." In this world, we are only immigrants and emigrants spiritually. If we experience a new birth, we will feel strange in this world. God loves us not because of our numbers, but because we want to stand firm in the PMA. PMA is the property of God given to us.
The one who wants to take Moses’ life is dead, meaning that Moses was defended by God. Do not be tied to the world. Come out of Egypt to worship, to build the Tabernacle. Bride of God must be given victory. Moses' rod àrod of God à rod of miracle / power à Shepherd's Rod. Shepherd preaches the words accompanied by power. Shepherd’s praying is accompanied by power. If the word is accompanied by a miracle, it is God’s will. Grazing is not triffling. We are loss if we are far from the shepherd. Sheep are counted by God. God counts our misery.
Moses returned to Egypt carrying a shepherd's rod to bring the Israelites out of Egypt to worship God. God is preparing us to be used by God. God calls us personally to take responsibility in the construction of the Tabernacle. We must be sensitive to the Lord's call. We contemplate what we have heard together.
Do not despair if we are disciplined by the Lord (Hebrews 12: 5-11). God teaches us in the pasture. We often fear when God wants to use us, we doubt if we could. Facing the days ahead, what we have is the word of PMA (Biblical Bridegroom Teaching), by our desire to be grazed. Moses gave names for his children based on the experiences of his life (Exodus 18: 3-4). Gershom: "I have become a stranger in a foreign land." Eliezer: "The God of my father was my help and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh." In this world, we are only immigrants and emigrants spiritually. If we experience a new birth, we will feel strange in this world. God loves us not because of our numbers, but because we want to stand firm in the PMA. PMA is the property of God given to us.